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Girish Sharma

Girish Sharma

Chairman & Managing Director

After working for more than 16 years as the Senior Admissions Counselor at one of India’s largest Overseas Education Advising companies, I ventured out to start my own organization – GVM Global Education Private Limited. I have the fortunate experience of sending thousands of students to reputed universities across the globe, especially to the USA and Canada, helping them reach an international podium of opportunities and thus bringing them one step closer to realizing their dreams.

My passion for starting an overseas education consultancy was a response to the continual inquiries that I received from people around me who banked on my advice owing to my experience and knowledge of foreign nations. During my various interactions, I came across people who had resorted to dubious and illegal means to send their children abroad, putting their careers and even lives in jeopardy. 

Our aim is to provide cost-effective professional counselling, test preparation and other auxiliary services to students desirous of foreign education in premier institutes around the world. Our team will guide prospective students throughout their admissions journey, right from the assessment of suitable institutes to acquiring their visas for the final move.

We look forward to continuing this tradition of quality in a socially responsible organization that would fuel the movement of Indian students in the global educational ecosystem.